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Mirror Mask
Mirror Mask begins from a stand start with your right hand on the small dimple thing on the flat side of the boulder and your left hand on the big edge thing at the downvalley end of the cave. Smack slopers and heel/toe-hook your way out the underbelly of the cave's capstone to the upvalley end of the cave, where you exit above a boulder just below your butt. This problem sports lots of oppositional compression and sick footwork. Note that if you fall off the finishing moves, you probably tumble back down into the cave.
The rock is perfect on this problem, the line is obvious and the folks that have done it have been psyched on it. However, because this problem resides down in a talus cave, has DAB potential as you exit the cave and has an obvious sit start that EVERYONE coveted for years, I've given it only 3 stars.
Mirror Mask and the sit down version,
Big Worm
, are located in an interesting and unique cave about 150 yards uphill and slightly upvalley from the Dali Boulder. When you reach the Dali Boulder, continue diagonalling up and right, attempting to skirt around the talus field to the west. When you reach an open area, look for a pile of blocks that has a 15 foot long cave down inside them. Another block caps the cave and the problem climbs the underbelly of this boulder starting on one end of the cave and exiting the other. Scramble down into the cave and behold! Both Mirror Mask and
Big Worm
are obvious if you find the cave and have any business trying them.
A couple Organics down in the cave and a small pad under your butt as you exit the cave above a talus boulder.
Routes in The Dali Area
- 4Mirror MaskV10-Bouldering · Alpine