HomeUSANew MexicoJemez Mountains and Jemez ValleyCapulin Canyon and Cochiti Mesa Area CragsCapulin CanyonHinterlands, TheDeathly Hollow5.10An American, a German and a Kiwi Walked Into a Bar...5.10a5.11-tradFA Hagen Telg, Claudia IhmCREATED UPDATED Tick this climbDescriptionLocationProtectionRoutes in The Hinterlands1Chosspector Gulch5.9+Trad2Rumo5.10-Trad3Layabout5.11-Trad4Tuning Fork5.11Trad58 Ounces of Guinness5.11-Trad6Goodbye Germany5.10+Trad7Anal Intruder5.11cTrad8Mars Crack5.12+Trad9Deathly Hollow5.10Trad10Harder Than Naming a Baby5.11-Trad 11An American, a German and a Kiwi Walked Into a Bar...5.10aTrad12Linter Hands5.9Trad13Two Piece and a Biscuit5.10aTrad