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Peak Mountain 3


FA unknown


May need some brushing as it was a bit sandy when we got there and there was no chalk. Start matched on jug rail, move right to a 2 finger pocket. Traverse left through the crux sequence involving a sloper rail, a crimpy sidepull dish and a left hand throw to the arete pinch. Move up to the sloper ledge that isn't quite as good as you'd like considering the rock below and behind. Trust it and throw left to the thank goodness meat hook spine jug on the arete. Match and then heel hook or hemhock your way over and ontop


Google coordinates: 39.2792921, -111.2228075

About a 15 minute uphill grovel but worth it for sure! From Beyond Life, follow a trail that leads away from the Beyond Life face (upcanyon) and crosses a wash until you reach some cairns that turn right heading up the hill. Follow the cairns up and trending a little left all the way to the boulder.


4 pads + spotter for the topout