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Peak Mountain 3


FA 2015


This route has three distinct sections.1STThe first part of this route climbs about 50' of erosional features and a hanging corner, with a slightly less than vertical aspect. Climb straight up through all of this to the roof. 5.8PG13.2NDThe second section is the 10' roof, initially climbed A0, now 5.11+. Setting up to make the moves into the roof-flakes and edges requires a V-hard boulder problem followed by very long reaches to a rest. Then 15' of diagonaling roof/jug/edge climbing lead to the jugs.3RDLastly, the third section is comprised of a beautiful, runout watergroove with incut "ears" that runs from the lip of the roof all the way to the final ledge stance...about 35' of exposed vertical 5.9...minimal gear through this section.This route was established on a rainy October day. From the anchors to the ground is a 80' free hanging rappel. Speculated to go free at 5.12-.


Standard Steele rack...plus a pair of aiders.