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Ben's Arete
At the base of the arete, begin from obvious holds above your head. After making a couple moves high-gravity thrutchy moves, reach right onto the face to a hard-to-decipher-without-the-beta right hand undercling crimp just before the topout on thin but perfect crimps. If this one's at or near your limit, you may want to scramble up top to scope out and dust the finishing edges. If not for the alternative start (see below), I would give this line 4 stars as it is tall, overhung, interesting, consistent, tricky and a whole lot of fun.
A V7 slightly lower start begins 3 or 4 moves to the left and traverses right into Ben's Arete. IMHO, this alternative start does nothing but take away from the purity and brilliance of Ben's original line.
Ben's Arete is the prominent overhanging arete 30 feet right of
Maker's Mark
in Area A.
Several organic pads and a spotter are recommended due to the block in the fall zone away from the base.
Routes in Bierstadt Area
- 46Ben's AreteV5Bouldering · Alpine