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Varicose Veins
(Stand start) On the left front face of the boulder start this great problem out on an under hook and shallow 2 finger hole (or whatever works for you) work some magic with your feet and do some rearranging to hit a phenomenal 2 hole pinch and from there find your way to the vein like features the problem gets it's name from. Work for a fairly solid yet high top out and find your way down the backside of the boulder.
20 feet high measured.
Heading down the main path below the Western side of the crag. (when approaching the crag from the parking on the hiking trail you would turn right once you reached the top of the crag and head West until you could get around that side of the crag. Follow that trail down around and continue for 50 yrds and the rock is sticking straight out of the main path as the path starts to turn Eastward. Problem faces down hill away from the crag on left side of main face of boulder
2 pads would be nice and at least 1 spotter. Problem does not wander to much, but there is one rock that is in the landing zone. Boulder is high enough you would not want to fall off in any way once up there ;) If you are sending this problem you understand your limitations and the risks ;)
Routes in Beam Rocks
- 30Varicose VeinsV3-Bouldering