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Peak Mountain 3

Ghost Face

FA Aaron James Parlier


I recommend this one.

I also recommend taking a brush out there with you. I didn’t spend a whole lot of time cleaning this off. There will still be a lot of debris up there, but I assure you after my 3rd run the holds were more than clear.

This one is on the main blocked boulder portion of the panic wall (this is the part of the face that sticks out from the recessed, unbroken slab face further right) that has the use undercling shelves.

"Ghost face" starts on the middle part of the undercling line (find the lowest mid-point of the undercling) and climb direct and up. You will make your way up past cool sidepull and compression moves, another undercling, and then the upper right part of the side of the awesome corner arête. Way up high you will get the deep slot/jug/crack.



