- Edit (TBD)
Pitch 1 (5.7): Climb the chimney to a ledge beneath a knobby ladder. Belay here. (100')
Pitch 2 (5.6): Go straight up fun and exposed knob climbing to an arĂȘte. Then follow the arĂȘte up on knobs to a large sloping ledge. (150')
Pitch 3 (5.7): Climb a short crack, followed by a low-angle section, to another short crack leading into a dihedral to a roof. Exit right around the roof and belay at a big sandy ledge with a tree. (150')
Pitch 4 (5.5): Crawl through manzanita into a large cave. Chimney your way up the cave, slinging large chockstones for pro through a hole at the top. (100')
Unrope and scramble up and left to the base of the reddish Russet Wall. From here, several variations from 5.7-5.10 exist. The leftmost chimney (5.7) is described.
Pitch 5 (5.6): Climb up the chossy chimney followed by a wide crack with good face holds to a manzanita-covered ledge. Belay at the base of the Russett Wall.
Pitch 6 (5.6): Again, several variations exist on this pitch. The variation described ascends the wide corner with many knobs on the right side. Climb up a chimney, exiting right under the large block at the top. Continue up to belay in a large triangular flake.
Pitch 7 (5.6): Step over a chasm around the corner to the left of the large flake. Climb one of the splitter hand cracks to a ledge below the summit.
Doubles to 3". Many long slings. All gear anchors.